By Jana Love

Everyone has good days and not so good days, right? It's when the not so good days start to pile up that we need to remind ourselves that those days can become the greatest teacher with the greatest lesson, unless we get in the way of the lesson. How many times did you learn the lesson the hard way or miss the lesson completely? Yeah, me too. When I start having a slew of not so good days, it really helps me to check my attitude at the door.

"A bad attitude is like a flat tire. If you don't change it, you'll never go anywhere." Unknown

I have lived long enough to know that if I am feeling challenged, overwhelmed, or lacking focus, the best solution for me is to feed myself with good healthy words. I have several "go to" books that will usually get me feeling better, and I just added a new one to my list. Vicki Hitzges, a great motivational speaker, wrote a book that has become the "sweet reminder" for me. Her book is called Attitude is Everything, 10 Rules for Staying Positive. These 10 rules are things that I know, love, and try to live by. However, when life heats up, and we lose a little perspective, reminders like Vicki's are like putting on a pair of great fitting jeans. They hug us in all the right spots.

Because her list of 10 rules seemed to meet my need today, it only seems right to pay it forward to you (which is #5 coming up).

  1. Wait to worry: "Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength," Charles Spurgeon. The statistic says the average worrier is 92% inefficient – only 8% of what we worry about ever comes true. Wait to worry…
  2. Keep an attitude of gratitude: Zig Ziglar said, "Without gratitude, happiness is rare. With gratitude, the odds for happiness go up dramatically." Keep an attitude of gratitude…
  3. Your health is your wealth: You have heard the phrase, "If you don't have your health, you don't have anything." It's true. Invest in yourself and a healthy future. Katharine Hepburn was asked what it takes to be successful, and her answer was, "One of the main qualities it takes to be successful is energy." Then she paused and added, "Energy may be the only thing." Your health is your wealth…
  4. The serious benefits of belly laughs: I love to laugh, and my team loves to laugh. We are playful with each other and are closer because of this. "Laughter is the shock absorber that eases the blows of life." Unknown. Belly laugh often…
  5. Joy boomerangs: "I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve." Albert Schweitzer. Give…
  6. Losing the fight? Write: Journal what you are feeling. Vicki says, "Don't edit your thoughts, just capture them." There are studies that show you can boost your immune system and make your blood pressure drop just by writing about upsetting experiences for 20 minutes at a time, over three or four days. Why not write…
  7. Keep the faith, baby: "True spirituality does not make me significant, but peaceful and joyful." Fred Smith. If you want to stay positive, don't shortchange faith. Keep the faith, baby….
  8. Learn to say "no": "A pint can't hold a quart – if it holds a pint it is doing all that can be expected of it." Margaret Deland. It takes a strong person to say "no." "Yes" is easy and has a much greater danger of severing important relationships. Just say no…
  9. Discipline: "It is not enough to have great qualities; We should also have the management of them." La Rochefoucauld. People who don't show self-discipline often find themselves feeling guilty. Guilty for not doing what they know they should or could. Guilt erodes our self-confidence. Be disciplined…
  10. Surround yourself with Positive People: Vicki says to find people who will challenge you, believe in you, and inspire you to improve. Jim Rohn wrote, "You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with." Choose wisely and be positive…

These are great reminders that are good and good for us. When you need a little lift, perhaps you will choose to read and engage these inspiring words. And while you are choosing, remember, you get to choose attitude each day!